Jan 5Liked by tim harris

To be and act as a sinner and claim that one is indelibly tainted by the "original sin" of Adam and Eve (whoever, whenever and where ever they were) is to play the role of being a victim!

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Thanks jacquelyn

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I think that point of separation may be different for woman than for men, because the mother's body is forever chemically changed after pregnancy. She carries forever certain elements of that child, though I can't speak specifically, I have heard it said that it is why the bond between mothers and children is lifelong. I recently had to part with my ex partner, due to this very strong bond with her child, who is 22 or so now. I realized that their bond simply was more than I wanted to live around. Took me 7 years to figure it out. Better late than never I suppose. This goes into some chemistry, but begins to describe the sharing of cells forever between mother and child. https://arielmedicine.com/mothers-day-genetics-how-long-does-a-mother-carry-a-child/

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